Thursday, January 26, 2017

My little Smarties

The kids have been really engaged this week in learning our Zoo Phonics ABC letters and doing puzzles.We also have been playing so many first games and doing many different fine motor puzzles. I'm going to have to rotate another set for next week since they've mastered them all!

zoo phonics chart - Google Search:

My Mom Sherry, came in on Tuesday and introduced to me and the children six letters. There is Ally the Alligator, B for Bubba Bear, M for Missy the Mouse, W is for Willy the Weasel, L is for Lizzie the Lizard and H is for Honey the Horse. They have picked these up so quickly that next week we will have a review on these six and introduce another six letters. They are fun for learning because not only do we work on the sounds of the letters but we get to do fun actions as well. I will also post the letters that we have worked on, so you can too check them out!

Thanks to all of you parents I'm so happy you all bought water proof mittens for your kids. They are the best mittens and for how many times they find wet spots it really helps keep their hands warm. Now, I just need to get some for myself! I love taking my kids out in the snow, it may take some time getting bundled up for even for 15 minutes of play it's worth every minute!

fyi.. I'm going to stop taking so many pictures on my iphone I realized now that my camera takes much better pictures so you won't get that many pictures throughout the day on the daily connect however that means since I still take overloads of pictures, you'll be getting more hard copy pictures in your child's folders. 

Our two oldest are doing a great job helping me get everyone's coats unzipped when we come inside and apparently when you lay down it's even tougher getting what's the point..

Our Cutest Moments:

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