Monday, January 9, 2017

January Newsletter

Dear Families,
As we move into 2017, I want to say thanks to all of you for your help, support and generosity in 2016. I am so fortunate to have such a great group of families! We will be celebrating Lea and Hunter’s 2nd birthdays this month. Lea will turn 2 on January 15th, and Hunter will be 2 on January 31st.  As you know, Brooks’ family has moved to Grimes, and they have generously donated Brooks’ outdoor playset to our daycare. We will miss him and his family. We will welcome a new friend, Belle, into our room on January 17th. We are excited to have another little girl join us!
We have had a few colds and ear infections, but nothing major so far. Let’s cross our fingers and hope that we can keep our home free from any major illnesses. If you do suspect your child is coming down with an illness, please make sure that he/she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before he/she returns to the daycare. We want to do our best to keep others healthy. Thank you for your cooperation with this! Along this line, it may be a good idea for each family to send a small bottle of Tylenol or other fever reducing medication to keep at the daycare in case your child develops a fever while at the daycare. This will keep him/her comfortable until you are able to come and get him/her. Please make sure you label the bottle with your child’s name.
Our themes this month will include: Snow and Ice, Winter Animals and the color “Blue”. We have some fun activities planned for this month as well.  We will be finger painting on foil and poster paper. We will explore snow and ice in our sensory tub, we will do our happy feet dance on bubble wrap, and make some cute footprint penguins!
Some books we will be reading this month include: Goodnight Moon, Penguins and Pinecones, Snowflake Day, Clap Your Hands, and Thomas and Friends! Some fun music and movement this month will include songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and we will also introduce The Color Song!
Please check my blog for a daily schedule. We do not follow this minute by minute, everything changes as the children’s moods and behaviors dictate, but this will give you a general idea of our day. We are working on color recognition, finding our names, and the older children are working on finding some of the letters in their names during our group times.

A few reminders: please make sure your child has an extra outfit in their cubby. And be sure to make sure you have winter wear such as snow pants and snow boots as it is still wet outside. Please include extra socks in your child’s bag in case our socks get wet on snowy days. Please make sure to check the blog weekly for fun updates on our days. 

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