Friday, January 20, 2017

Adventures in Learning

Yes, sometimes I come up with random activities on the spot. This weekend I will include a lesson plan on here, but here are just some unplanned activities that we had fun doing this week...

Cooking is a messy, delicious and sometimes time-consuming activity, especially when done with a little ones.Cooking with kids is not only fun, but also a valuable learning experience. Cooking engages all senses, namely seeing, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting.We started off using a recipe but then just did our own thing, surprisingly it turned out quite delicious. 

I love taking my kids to the park, however I do need to invest in a wagon soon. I had to carry the littlest one the whole way there because we are quite stable walking in snow boots. Please don't forget snow boots and snow pants. Yes, I know there's no snow out but we tend to sit in puddles so snowpants help us stay dry! Thanks! Go figure as soon as we made it to the park it started down pouring rain. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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